Grips - Winding - Weak - Strong

In this post we introduce the three main grips found in FaVs Ringen, as well as our take on his Winding section.

There are three main gripping examples that we find:

  1. Firstly, holding at the arms. One arm outside above the elbow, and one arm inside above the elbow.

  2. Secondly, both arms inside above the elbow, and conversely both arms outside above the elbow.

  3. Finally grabbing inside on the doublet itself.

We shall go over all of these below

Finally we shall show out takes on his Winding as well as demonstrate when your opponent goes Weak or Strong in response to this Winding.


1. Inside and outside Grips:

This is the most common method of engaging that we see in the various wrestling styles around the world. 

Your opponent and you simply grab each others upper arms with one hand on the inside of the bicep, and one hand on the outside of the bicep. This is a neutral grip that still gives you many opportunities to work for an advantage. 

2. Both arms inside:

This variation gives more control to the the person on the inside and allows them more options with what they want to do. However, this does not mean that the person with their grips on the outside is not capable of attacking or defending well.

3. Gripping on the Doublet

This grip is written about in many plates of his treatises. It is also seen in other treatises of this time period. The grips seem to be just inside the shoulders where there would be spare cloth to grab. 


When FaV refers to Winding he is talking about the testing of someones resistance to outward or inward pressure used by their opponent to test their reactions. In this section we shall only show inward pressure, but outward pressure is self explanatory from these descriptions.

1. 'Subtle' wind

This testing action is done by moving your hand from their upper arm into their elbow and then through to your chest. Your hand is kept open, and slide the fatty bottom part of your hand into the elbow to test their reflex.

2. FaV Wind

I view this as being more in line with how Fabian shows us how to do this testing Wind.Here the testing arm is brought over the forearm of the opponent in an almost Karate block type manner. It is still coming into your body with the fist being held up.

Next will we talk about the two reactions to this testing action.

First your opponent goes Weak. That is to say it is pliable to the pressure that is being exerted against it. Of course the demonstrators are showing the ideal version of this.

The second reaction is your opponent resisting the pressure. This is known as being Strong. The opponent does this by either giving enough pressure to resist the inward push, or by overpowering the probing action.

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