SERFO 2022 December update

A few updates for those interested in SERFO 2022

  1. We shall be opening Registration for SERFO 2022 in January. This is due to us needing to wait until the contract is signed with the venue, Emory Oxford College. Once that is done we shall open Registration straight away.

  2. There will be three timed tiers for Registration. So the sooner you sign up the less it will cost you. The below cost is currently a good estimate until we have the contract signed and the costs verified on paper. The three tiers are
    Early - $210
    Mid - $230
    Final - $255

  3. We will have a limited number of spaces for SERFO 2022. This is going to be about 150 fencers. When we hit this limit we will have a waiting list. The waiting list will be first come/first serve. The cost will be at whichever tier we hit the fencer limit. This limit is due to us being at Emory Oxford for the first time and not wishing to overload ourselves or their staff.

  4. As a reminder this event is essentially all inclusive. The cost covers a shared dorm room. food, and the event itself. We will detail in full what will be available when registration opens. As we are on a College campus it is my understanding that vegan/vegetarian needs will be easily taken care of, along with some usual allergies. If you wish to come but have specific food needs you are welcome to bring your own outside food and drink. There are no restrictions on that.

  5. In previous years we have had the occasional person show up without all of the required kit. Get your kit in line well before SERFO 22 so you are not scrambling week of to get something important.

    Please find attached a good reason to make sure you have a good cup!!! Thankfully this fencer was,

Keith Cotter-ReillyComment